
Why Sedona?

Many years ago, I used to travel extensively for my job. Eventually, I traveled through almost every state in the country, up to Canada and down to South America. My best trip, and the one I looked forward to the most at the time, was heading to Phoenix to visit one of our largest customers, American Express. Their processing center was in a northern suburb of Phoenix.

On one particular visit, I was met with an announcement that AmEx forgot I was visiting and could not meet with me due to some major computer issues they experienced the night before. The VP of their IT department asked if I had ever been to Sedona. I had never heard of it. He had a relative who ran a hotel in town and had called her to put me up for the weekend because they had messed up my visit.

I hopped in my red Mustang convertible (the only car I rented when I traveled to Phoenix) and headed north up I-17. After a leisurely drive, I reached the exit pointing me towards Sedona. A short distance up Highway 179, through a little village called The Village of Oak Creek, I came around a bend and saw the most breathtaking view I had ever seen. I pulled off the side of the road, called home, and tried my best to explain what I was seeing.

That was the start, and now that little village I passed through is our home.