Never a bad day in Sedona. The sun goes down early and rises early as well.
A little adjustment of turning in early leads to getting up early which lets me get work done and still have time to enjoy the day.
Exactly what today was like.
Started out with a client conference call and a little work that needed to get done then off to our first hike for this trip – Broken Arrow trail leading to Submarine Rock. See the Gallery here.
Stopped on the way home to one of our favorite places in the Hillside shopping area – an Irish pub called Mooney’s where the views never disappoint. One or two cold ones and back to the Village for a light snack, a little deck dwelling and a little watching the sun creep it’s way across the red rocks – an ever changing painting right in front of us.
Off to another local spot, a first for us Famous Pizza. Hopefully the food is as good as the reviews!
I’m sure the rest of the day will include – yep butts-in-chairs-on-deck – what else is there?